NISA briefing the "Special Surveillance System" June 16 at NISA annex : Photo by Ryusaku Tanaka
The restart of Ôi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 finally became real. The Kansai Electric Power Company (Kepco) Started to work for the restarting nuclear today by the order of Prime Minister Noda Government's final decision.
According to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) they will restart the Unit 3 at first. In 10 days (Around June 26) they will put the control rod off and the reactor will start running. They forecasted the commercial operation will be started around July 16, about a month later.
Yukio Edano, The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry talked about the schedule of restarting nuclear plant at the press conference after the meeting where the final decision was made, "I can't tell you the exact dates" but the interviews of office the dates came out in the open.
"Special Safety Surveillance" under the prodding of PM Noda Government is still unsure. They are Appealing "Full-time Surveillance and Urgent responses Systems" a group of 20 people leaded by The Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
But Fukushima's case proved the chaos when the accident happens and there's only politicians as the responsibles and they are not specialists of nuclear power plants.
More importantly the reason why this "Surveillance System" is unsure is that it's just provisional measures while waiting for the new Nuclear Regulatory Agency. There's no vent system. There's no evacuation route saved. PM Noda Government issued declaration of safety without basis and started to operate a nuclear power plant which has got too much risk.
Courtesy : Ryusaku Tanaka
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