The report of NAIIC published yesterday created a big sensation. There is no need to view every viewpoint presented in the report as credible or consider the report sacred and inviolable. However, we don't need to ask too much, because it isn't a scholarly article.
Also, we need to discuss how to make use of this experience to realize denuclearization and move into action. For example, asking all the electric companies to make an investigation assuming an earthquake will be effective, or we can also submit the report as evidence in a court.
I compiled the editorial articles on the subject of the NAIIC report I could find. In general, no press say something negative about it. This means that the report is enough fulfilling. Nikkei is silent on it. Also the silence of Asahi and some local papers is remarkable.
Mainichi : Listen to the verifications and the proposals.
Tokyo Shimbun (and its senior company, Chunichi Shimbun) : The accident is not over
Yomiuri: Crisis-control structure to prevent human error is required.
Yomiuri objects to the establishment of permanent committee in National Diet for monitoring the regulatory authority.
Sankyo: Crisis-control structure to prevent human error is required.
The article deserves attention, as it says that an independent investigation commission should be set up and the witnesses such as Naoto Kan, the former prime minister, be summoned as proposed.
Fukushima Minyu: Human Error Verified. Take this to our heart.
Kyoto Shimbun: Reflect on it seriously to be prepared for a contingency
Nishi-Nippon Shimbun: NAIIC report. Honest feeling of the people.
The article speaks for us.
In "IK NPP valued information (157)", we accused that the Noda cabinet plots to keep the nuclear energy. Also, we keep raising an alarm over the plan of the national strategy office to craft "innovative energy and environment" strategy by the end of August. (Moreover, they say that a master plan for energy will be promptly established based on the strategy.)
We have gradually come to see the risk behind that.
At first, the government said that a decision on nuclear fuel cycle project would be mede to reflect public opinions, however, they decided not to gather public opinion after all.
Also, the questionnaire (for public opinion) is programmed to cheat the people: When you choose the option "Dependence on energy supply from nuclear power: 15%", you are actually for continuing Rokkasyomura reprocessing operation and Monju nuclear fuel cycle development program. (Bureaucrats aim to manipulate us to decide on 15%)
Please read this article by Kenichi Oshima of July 2 for further information. (Note that the article of Nikkei uses ambiguous expressions deliberately. The state officials of METI are truly unfair!)
July 5, Tokyo Shimbun featured the issue. Thanks a lot to Tokyo Shimbun!
I learned about public opinion survey by discussion. I also came to know that 26 researchers published a position document titled "The issue to promote public discussion".
According to the document, the government plans to ask for public opinion, then carry out public discussion and hearing, and craft an energy strategy under the initiative of the bureaucrats, pretending they listened to public opinion (only by carrying out the above-mentioned steps.)
I can't accept it as it's the issue relating to Japan's future. If new energy policy is drew out in this way, it will become absolutely difficult to abandon nuclear power generation. We should stop the plot by all means.
Hearing seems to start from August at 14 places from all over the country.
The government started asking for opinions. The deadline is July 31.
There are three things we should do at the moment.
1. We need to inform as many people as possible of the potential risks behind the questionnaire about dependence, their plot to keep nuclear energy, and their aim to craft an energy strategy during summer.
2. We need to fight to mount a movement against the new plot of the Noda cabinet and new energy policy indifferent to our opinions and wishes. Associations should issue a statement and present it to the national strategy office.
3, Though we pointed out the government's aim behind the public opinion research, we regret to say that boycotting it is stupid. We have to provide anti-nuke comments to the national strategy office. Please read greenpeace site before sending your opinion.
Courtesy : Lawyer Morihiro Ichikawa & Lawyer Kensaku Kawauchi
国会事故調の報告書の反響 新エネルギー政策策定の陰謀
福島民友新聞は「人災の事実 重く受け止めよ」と述べています。
西日本新聞は、「国会事故調報告 国民がいだく素直な思いだ」
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