Original text from Blog of Koichi Oyama in Minamisoma City 06.07.2012 http://mak55.exblog.jp/16250528/
I'd like to introduce another excellent information from a blog reader. I appreciate that they are always giving me some valued info.
(Texts in parentheses are my writings)
The urgent monitoring team of Fukushima prefecture started measuring the radiation doses at the parking of joint government building of Minamisoma at 17:46 on March 12.
PDF only in Japanese:
(The PDF file showed that Minamisoma was damaged mostly by the explosion of Unit 1 on 12th, while Fukushima City had a lasting effect of the explosions of Unit 2 and Unit 4 on 15th, The radiation which scattered into the air through National Route 117 to reach to Iidatemura village spread to Fukushima City, and then went southward to Koriyama because the wind shifted.)
(The black smoke came out of Unit 3 at 11:01 on March 14. It was about 600m-high, upright but slightly flew southward. The incident affected the radiation level of Iwaki City not immediately but from 14:00 to 17:00 on 15th. )
(Minamisoma in North, or Fukushima City in North West didn't get affected by the incident. Please verify the spreading of radiation with SPEEDI)
(From the fact that Cesium was detected at 1.500-meter-high of Mt. Fuji, it may be logical to consider that the fallout from the plant was carried by the wind and spread across Kanto region. Anyone, please analyze this!)
It's hardly possible that the city didn't know about the situation. Many of the measured results of the air doses are left blank. The measurements had to be updated at least every 10 minutes for 24 hours.
According to the city, the highest level or radiation marked in Minamisoma is 20 microSv/hour, but I am more than sure that it rose higher than that on-peak.
We need to demand information disclosure. as some measured results were covered up before.
Also, another team (a survey team in moving vehicles) collected the soil, plants and water apart from measuring the doses at the parking of joint government building of Minamisoma from 13:50 on March 16.
PDF Japanese only: See no,26 in the table
The results of measuring of the collected environment samples haven't been published yet.
The city has every necessary data to estimate the radiation exposure during the period.
(OK, I will begin with identifying the department that is responsible for the matter)
Courtesy : Koichi Oyama
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