
The reality in the devastated area 1.

Original text from Blog of Koichi Oyama in Minamisoma City 24.05.2012http://mak55.exblog.jp/15911098/

Our life depends on the digit of the air radiation levels of 1M high.
We are pretending not to see the 1000000 radionuclides on the soil.
Integrated value of 20 mSv of radiation is considered to be safe and they don't think of accumulated radiation level. 
We can't eat the food we grow here, but we are forced to live here.
1000000 around the city hall are blowed up.
Incinerated ashes of 40000are put inside 50000 yen bags and treasured.
People emote the surface of soil of school yard and put sand which is blown off by the wind and they happily say that the doze of radiation doesn't go up anymore.
People emote the surface of soil of kindergarden yards and put sand which is blown off by the wind and they happily say they don't find any radioactive dust anymore.
The effect of the announce "of decontamination" is spread but in reality they don't decontaminate houses.
There's no method founded to decontaminate 80% of the areas in the mountain but they ask people to go back to their places. 
They don't do the work to decontaminate children students houses and more, there's no soil to change.
They don't do the work of decontamination although the city measured 1000000  to 5000000 inside the urban district.
Sakurai, the mayor of Minamisoma refused the evacuation instructions inside the 30kms zone.
Sakurai also let the children live inside the emergency evacuation preparation zone.

Courtesy : Koichi Oyama

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