Alexandre Verkin =May 17 at the Adachi district labor welfare hall:Photo by Miyako Suwa
In Russia, according to the Chernobyl law, areas where the amount of contamination is more than 1 milisievert per year are declared as "areas concerned by the right of relocation." It includes an help to find a job, an accomodation, medicines and food supplies for each evacuated people.
Areas with 1 milisievert per year (0.23-micro sievert per hour)* exist all around eastern Japan.
Alexander Verkin (born 1953) has been engaged in the convergence work of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster which occured in 1986 and he devoted himself to the establishment of the Chernobyl law. He held a lecture in the Adachi district labor welfare hall on the 20th.
The residents of the areas concerned about the right of relocation provided by the Chernobyl law received the following compensation:
1. An additional medical security (annual medical examination, free supply of medicines, etc).
2. By a national assistance, a sanatorium medical treatment in a non-polluted zone and additional vacations.
3. Extra vacations for pregnant women in a non-polluted area.
4. 100 U.S.dollars (for health enhancement, additional food) every month.
5. 30% more for pensions.
At that time annual doses for areas concerned about the right of relocation were intensely discussed.
Dr. Alexander Verkin says: "We fought against the promoters groups of nuclear power plants who wanted to carry out a standard of more than 5 milisieverts per year, and we finally gained that 1 milisievert per year standard."
Although nuclear power plant workers' health degraded itself one after another there was no support by the country after the Chernobyl accident.
Around 1989 most of nuclear plant workers took the lead to protect their rights, an alliance was established, and it was added in quest of the improvement also by the support of insufficient residents.
The Chernobyl law was established in this way in 1991.
It was advanced-like from Russia to consider areas where the amount of contamination is more than 1 milisievert per year as "areas concerned by the right of relocation", the residents themselves could take the decision of their evacuation, and the country got the point to make their duty to compensate the residents and evacuated them.
However, although there's the right of relocation there's still a problem in Russia.
Dr. Alexander Verkin says: "It' was a good point that they gave compensation in kind. At the beginning it was only money and people used it all for vodka."
Putin Administration came to manage Russia and the problem of compensation aggravated.
Afterr 2004, the law was changed and budgets were also reduced.
Compensation changed again into money. The amount was reduced considerably and to receive this service became difficult.
It becomes impossible to receive an equivalent compensation and lots of people suffer.

Alexander Verkin raised his eyes to heaven to the question: "What were the effects on the health of nuclear plant workers after the accident?". "Our comrades has got an endless list of illness that fills an A4 paper.": Photo by Miyako Suwa
Now, the Japanese version of the Chernobyl law is going to be deliberated at the Parliament.
Lawyer Satoshi Oshiro of the lawyer network (SAFLAN) which protects the children of Fukushima explained:
"Although it's not reported by the media, three bills are submitted to the House of Councilors for legislation to the House members today:
1.The ministerial party and Democrat party present the bill similar to the original Chernobyl Law.
2. The Opposition party mainly Liberal Democratic Party, Your party and SDP present the bill more concentrated on the protection of children.
3. The Opposition party and Komeito present the bill related to health care."
"The members of assembly who made the bill are really enthusiastic so it surprises me to see that politicians can be such hard workers. But because there's also assembly members who don't want to pass the bill and the members who have no concern about it, it's important for us to backup them. So that we are collecting petitions at the moment. The voice of people who want this bill work out can become an enormous force" lawyer Oshiro emphasized.
In Russia, if an area has more than 5 milisieverts a year, the right of relocation is applied.
If in Japan it is less than 20 milisieverts a year sievert, "we can live."
There's a enormous difference between the posture of a government trying to protect its people from contamination and what they really do.
Alexander Verkin said firmly: "I hope that The Chernobyl law which was established five years later in the Soviet Union will also be established in Japan as soon as possible."
*The natural dose of 0.04 Sv and the additional exposed dose of 0.19 Sv by a nuclear power plant disaster were added.
If it assumes that someone passes 8 hours outdoors, and 16 hours inside wood frame houses, 1mm sievert will be exceeded in one year.
(Ministry of Environment HP)
Problems of Social Assistance to the Chernobyl Sufferers in Russia
Courtesy : Miyako Suwa
1953年レニングラード生まれ、レニングラード工業大学卒業。1986年チェルノブイリ原発事故処理のため召集され、作業に従事。1990年ソ連邦チェルノブイリ同盟大会へ代表団員として参加し、その後、同盟の幹部として、「チェルノブイリ 法」の制定に貢献。作業労働者、原発事故の被害者の権利を擁護するために活動。 「勇敢」勲章、「サンクトペテル ブルグ300年」メダル、功労賞を受賞。
主催:国際環境NGO FoE Japan、福島老朽原発を考える会(フクロウの会)、福島の子どもたちを守る法律家ネットワーク(SAFLAN)
子どもたちを放射能から守る福島ネットワーク、任意団体peach heart、福島避難母子の会in関東、エコロジー・アーキスケープ、こどもふくしま緊急支援チーム 国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパン、ハーメルン・プロジェクト、福島の子どもたちとともに・世田谷の会、福島乳幼児妊産婦ニーズ対応プロジェクト、脱原発福島ネットワーク、ハイロアクション福島原発40年実行委員会、子どもたちを放射能から守る全国ネットワーク
1953年レニングラード生まれ、レニングラード工業大学卒業。1986年チェルノブイリ原発事故処理のため召集され、作業に従事。1990年ソ連邦チェルノブイリ同盟大会へ代表団員として参加し、その後、同盟の幹部として、「チェルノブイリ 法」の制定に貢献。作業労働者、原発事故の被害者の権利を擁護するために活動。 「勇敢」勲章、「サンクトペテル ブルグ300年」メダル、功労賞を受賞。
主催:国際環境NGO FoE Japan、福島老朽原発を考える会(フクロウの会)、福島の子どもたちを守る法律家ネットワーク(SAFLAN)
子どもたちを放射能から守る福島ネットワーク、任意団体peach heart、福島避難母子の会in関東、エコロジー・アーキスケープ、こどもふくしま緊急支援チーム 国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパン、ハーメルン・プロジェクト、福島の子どもたちとともに・世田谷の会、福島乳幼児妊産婦ニーズ対応プロジェクト、脱原発福島ネットワーク、ハイロアクション福島原発40年実行委員会、子どもたちを放射能から守る全国ネットワーク
なぜ避難勧奨地点にならないのか!? ~苦悩する福島市渡利地区
ゲスト:満田夏花(国際環境NGO FoE Japan)
なぜ避難勧奨地点にならないのか!? ~苦悩する福島市渡利地区
ゲスト:満田夏花(国際環境NGO FoE Japan)
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