
A wave of sudden deaths in Kôriyama City …

original text from blog of Emiko Numauchi(Numayu) in Minamisoma City 22.05.2012 http://numayu.blogspot.com/2012/05/blog-post_22.html

Today in the end of afternoon, i talked with a person who lives in Kôritama City.
Normally people who call me are people who live in Kanto region so i was surprised.
This person has got a strong doubt about "so many sudden deaths" and even called the public healthcare center to ask about it.
People around this person who died of "sudden death" are…

- Last year in June, a high school student in his 3rd grade went to see the general hospital because he   caught a cold,
  stayed at the hospital and was dead within 2 weeks.
- Last year in July, a woman in her forties and a man in his fifties.
- Last year in June, 1 person, in July 2 persons, in december 1 person.
- Last year in december someone who stayed in hospital for a common cold died of pneumonia.
- This year in April, a 21 years old died in his sleep .

The person who called me never experienced such a wave of sudden deaths.
Normally for "suspicious death" there is an administrative autopsy but they haven't done any for those.
He went to public healthcare center to ask about this. The only answer he got was "It seems there's a little more people who were dead."

But what surprised me the most was that a person who lives in Fukushima Prefecture called me.
I'm related to people who have an anti-nukes activity. But strangely people who are living in Fukushima prefecture don't want to talk about "abnormal change". Previously, people in Kanto region were telling me that they want to evacuate but there was no phone call from citizens in Fukushima Prefecture.  
For me, it was a mystery.
There's no doubt that after such an nuclear accident, we can't avoid abnormal changes.
The person who called me was surprised as well to know that he was the first citizen from Fukushima prefecture to call me.
A person living in Kawamata City who accepted the interview of Yasumi Iwakami said everything as it is and he showed himself without using any voice changer. This person called me indeed.
However, it remains a mystery to me that people live as if the accident didn't happened. 

courtesy : Emiko Numauchi 

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